Protein powder this, protein shake that. Everyone who’s going to the gym seems to be talking about protein powder. Although the fitness supplement has long been an essential part of many bodybuilding enthusiasts, its popularity gained momentum anew thanks to many fitness buffs who are turning to protein supplements even when they are not trying to grow larger muscles.

And the reason is clear: the added protein has more benefits than just large, bodybuilder’s muscles. Also, you need to remember to get discounts on your Myprotein whey protein powders by visiting online coupon sites. Protein supplements not only help in muscle building, but also improve athletic performance and accelerate fat loss. A consultation with a qualified expert could help you determine the type of protein that you would need in your journey to become fit. You could look at this site to know more about the various supplements that could assist you in achieving the body of your dreams.

Proteins can be added to drinks or smoothies, or some people might prefer to put them into capsules to take. If that’s the case, people could always purchase some capsules online (see this page). Hopefully, that will make it easier for some people to take the supplements.

We have listed the five most beneficial reasons why protein powders and supplements have become more popular than ever (and why you should incorporate them into your fitness routine if you have not done so yet):

  1. They help you lose weight faster. In a recent study, scientists have found out that a higher intake of protein powder, when coupled with a limited caloric intake, can help you shed a bigger percentage of body fat compared to simply limiting calorie consumption. This means that you can use protein shakes as part of your meal replacement calorie-controlled regimen and get better results in weight loss and body fat reduction.
  2. They help you rebuild your muscles. Did you know that during high intensity workouts like HIIT and Crossfit, the muscles are strained by the constant flexing and heavy movements? These strains cause microscopic tears in the muscles that, if left unchecked, can heal rather slowly and possibly delay and derail your workout routine? Proteins help your muscles recover from these tears and strains more quickly and more efficiently. Aside from healing and regenerating strained muscles, added protein intake from your supplements helps your muscles grow bigger and leaner. With more and more people turning to these highly intense workouts these days, it’s no wonder why protein powder sales are up everywhere.image
  3. They help curb an unhealthy appetite. Protein supplements, particularly whey based ones, have been found to help reduce the production of the so-called ‘hunger’ chemical. This chemical called ‘ghrelin’ is what sends signals to the brain saying that the body is hungry and causes us to eat. As little as 50-grams of whey protein can help curb hunger for up to four hours in a slightly obese person. Instead of grabbing a bar of chocolate or a can of soda with a bag of chips to shush your growling tummy, take a glass of whey protein instead.
  4. Injury prevention. The main aim of protein supplements is the growth and regeneration of the muscles. But aside from that, higher protein intake also creates stronger muscle fibers that can take on higher intensity workouts and lower the risk of injuries while you’re at it. More workout enthusiasts have become more aware of the importance of keeping the body healthy and safe against exercise- and sport-related injuries thus more people are turning to protein powders to safeguard their bodies.
  5. Provides added nutrient intake in a more convenient fashion. The protein powders of today have come a long way. The benefits of modern protein powder have been intensified and improved with the addition of other minerals and nutrients needed to keep a healthy, fit body. This makes protein supplements a more practical option for many fitness enthusiasts over a ton of other supplements – it saves them time, it saves them money, and it ensures that they get all the nourishment they need with just a single, revolutionary product.

What are you waiting for? Join the growing list of protein powder believers and see for yourself why it’s more popular and more useful now more than ever.