Declutter Your Closet With These Helpful Tips



Spring is months away but that doesn’t mean that you have to wait until then to do a little cleaning and decluttering. Winter is a perfect time to assess your closet and find ways to organize and eliminate the clothes that you no longer wear (or fit into) anymore. You may find that just the mere sight of your closet causes you a little stress and anxiety. If you are not sure where to start, read on for a few ways to declutter your closet this winter and start off the new year a little more organized.

Evaluate The Situation

Before you start tackling your unorganized and overflowing closet, you need to take a little time and see what the problem is. Is the reason why your closet is a mess because you simply have too much stuff? Are your winter and summer clothes mixed together? Are t-shirts, dress shirts, pants, and dresses all hung up in no particular order? An initial assessment might even reveal a pest or rodent infestation in the back of your closet. It’s fairly common and your closet would need professional intervention by pest control services similar to Similar problems should reveal themselves during the initial assessment and you should have a plan to deal with them. Not having some type of organization is setting you up to fail when it comes to the state of your closet. Really think about how you want your closet organized and start planning on how to execute what you envision.

Schedule An Appointment

You may have heard this type of advice before, but it holds true that you have to carve out a specific amount of time or else it won’t happen when tackling any project. Put aside a few minutes each day after work or a full hour or two on the weekends to get organized. Michelle Crouch, writer of “13+ Secrets Personal Organizers Would Never Tell You for Free“, advises “If it’s not on your schedule, it’s not on your life.”

Only Keep What You Use

Unfortunately, most of us only wear a very small fraction of what is hanging in our closets. Weight gain and changing trends can set aside once coveted clothing into the black hole of your closet. Though this step may be time consuming, go through every nook and cranny of your closet. Marie Kondo, author of the New York Times bestseller “The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up”, writes that you should only keep material possessions that bring you joy. Examine every hat, purse, belt, and item of clothing to see if you really wear it. You may start to find items like maternity leggings that you once loved and wore all the time, no longer have a place in your closet (especially if your kid is now in school).

Following a few of these tips will have your closet organized in no time and will have you feeling accomplished. Once spring is here, your closet will already be decluttered and you will be ahead of the curve.


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