What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is one of the many oral treatments a patient can undergo to improve their smile and their dental health. This specific treatment mimics a real tooth completely. Dental implants in Navan are a viable way to replace missing teeth or teeth that are beyond repair, and it is done through replacing the root of the missing tooth. The implants are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone. Once they are in position they are used to provide stable support which dentists can use to build replacement teeth upon. The treatment option of implants is a safe well-established procedure, which can allow clients to fill the gaps in their smile. Implants, once inserted, act a lot like regular teeth, and will last as long as they are cared for.
Why would I need one and would they be right for me?
There are many benefits of this oral treatment that can provide a long-term solution to missing teeth, once inserted they act like natural teeth and so can be easily cared for. Implants can be placed in the bone without a negative impact on other teeth present in the mouth, this allows the procedure to be more beneficial than other treatment options. The idea of not having all teeth present can be quite damaging to a person’s self-esteem or self-confidence. Tooth loss can also have physical implications for a person as well as create mental issues, as not having all teeth present can affect how well a person chews and the food they can eat, as well as having an overall impact on their bite. Tooth loss can also have a negative impact on the health of a person’s jaw.
How are they fitted?
There are many steps involved in the fitting of an implant that a dentist carefully adheres to in order for their patient’s smile to be the best it can be. After a patient has decided to go ahead with an implant, their dentist will begin the process of fitting it. Firstly, the implant is placed into the jawbone, it is in fact a small titanium screw. Once this has healed, a connector is attached to the implant, known as an abutment. Following this, a crown is then attached to the connector, this crown is made to closely replicate the look of a patient’s natural teeth in size, shape and colour. Finally, the crown is screwed or cemented onto the post and the procedure is completed.
The implant is inserted in several steps as the process itself requires the jawbone to tightly heal at the site of the implant between surgery visits. Prior to surgery, an X-ray of the teeth is taken to ensure that the implant will fit correctly in the mouth. A dentist’s role is to ascertain whether dental implants are the correct choice for their patient, this is done through X-rays and enquiries about their client’s medical history. Once the surgery has started a local anaesthetic is used to allow the dentist to make a small cut into the gum, enabling the implant to be inserted, this is where the titanium screw is placed at the bone. After this has healed the prosthetic can be fitted and once again the patient has a full set of functioning teeth.