Why Should You Replace Your Dentures with All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Members of the elderly population are more likely than others to have had teeth removed in the past. If you’re one of them, you’re probably wearing either complete or partial dentures. Dentures work fine, but you might be unaware of the latest advances in tooth replacement technology. We’re talking about all-on-4 dental implants.

Here are just a few reasons why you should strongly consider making the switch from dentures to all-on-4 dental implants.

Fixed to the Bone

Dentures are removable, which can be a problem when you’re talking or eating – the sad truth is that even the most well-fitted of dentures can come loose, and that’s extremely embarrassing. Even if it never happens, knowing your teeth can come out at any time is unpleasant.

Dental implants are superior because they are actually grafted to the bone. In some cases, there’s an implant for each tooth, but all-on-4 implants are different. There are just four anchoring points, and these are used to support a full set of false teeth. You won’t need to worry about your dental implants coming out – they’ll function just like natural teeth.

Prevents Bone Loss

If you wear dentures, you’re probably already familiar with the concept of bone loss. In case you’re not, we’ll cover the basics. Essentially, the jawbone underlying your teeth requires pressure – if there’s no pressure, bone is reabsorbed, which is why people who lost teeth a long time ago often develop a sunken appearance around the mouth. Dentures don’t replicate the pressure created by natural teeth, so bone loss is always a problem. Dental implants create four firm pressure points, so bone loss issues aren’t as likely to develop.

Faster and Easier Than You Think

Many seniors have heard of the benefits that come with dental implants but don’t want to go through extensive surgery. This used to be a concern, but the all-on-4 method means that very little surgical work is required. If you are looking to get dental implants glendale periodontics can help you and answer any further queries or worries you might have.


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