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Five Reasons Why You Should Study in the UK


As a student, you should do what you can to increase your credentials so that when you finally leave school and academia behind you’ll be able to get into the workforce much faster than the rest of your peers. And what better way to do it than to study abroad, particularly in the UK. You are lucky if you get the chance to study at the school of your choice and be given a place to stay by HFS London – home stays. You’re well on your way to becoming a globally competitive individual. Once you graduate, companies in your home country or even abroad will want to hire you.

But why the UK? Why not the USA or Japan? Well, there a lot of reason to choose the UK above all other countries:

  1. UK schools and universities have a rich history, being part of Europe, which has an ancient and expansive history of education. Many companies recognise UK universities and just being able even to attend classes at a UK university already puts you ahead of the pack and is seen as a mark of excellence itself. And even if you didn’t graduate in the UK and had to return to your country of origin, all of your credits can be transferred and recognised.
  2. Getting into a UK school also means that you have mastered English and have passed either your TOEFL or IELTS. English is the universal language, and many companies value a person’s ability to speak and understand English clearly.
  3. Between the USA and the UK, the UK has a lower education cost than the US and other countries. Many of the degree programmes only last for three years. And while tuition costs around $25,000 ( 19,400 equivalent) in American universities a year, it only cost around 9,000 in the UK. That leaves you with more than 10,000savings per year at the very least. If the 3-year course you take in the UK was a 4-year course in the US, then you’d save more than 50,000 for the full course.
  4. If you cannot pay for your education, or you only have partial means, the UK allows students to work full-time when school’s out. There are also a lot of UK institutions that provide scholarships so that international students don’t need to pay for anything while studying there.
  5. Part of the charm of studying in a European country is that it becomes a gateway to become part of Europe’s diverse population. While in the UK there are ways for you even to apply for scholarships or citizenship in other parts of Europe.

Also, all of the awards or work experience you can receive in the UK add a lot to your CV. That means that you can further cement your way to success much more than just relying on the success that passing the IELTS or winning a scholarship in the UK can give you. There is no reason at all not to choose the UK first when deciding to study abroad.

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